четверг, 14 января 2010 г.

The oversleeping

When working hard you feel that you can’t g on like this for a long time and you need to have a rest. In most cases the common and the only desire of most people is to have a good and long sleep they can’t have because they have a job to do. So, when they have a free time they usually spend it for sleeping. People are thirsty for sleep and hat is why they do their best when sleeping when they have a free time. Though, it is the most useless and stupid thing they can do and it is also the most violent things they can do to their free time. See, work take a lot of people and it takes most time of our lives and the precious time we have is too valuable to waste it for sleeping. Besides, those thirsty for sleep usually spend too much time sleeping and as a result the phenomenon of oversleep comes into their lives. People feel bad and they have a headache and so on and so forth. You need you sleep to be no longer than eight hours and there is no need to waste more time for it. Life is too short to share it between work and sleep.