четверг, 14 января 2010 г.

Do you have free time?

It is a simple question and there is always a simple answer for it and the answer is always negative. People have no free time they don’t know even what free means. They have no time at all and so there is even no need in asking about free time. They are always busy with their works and with those troubles they face with every day. They have no time for something because they keep running. It is like this life is race for people and they keep running though they don’t even know what the prize for this race is. They are running and they have no time to stop and so they have no free time. They have no time to see those people around them and notice how lonely they are. They don’t have free time for read another book and find there the very truth about this life. Were they able to find a free time for their lives that would notice a lot of things around them and they would find out the meaning for this life? And there is no meaning in that eternal race they are taking parts at. There is a meaning, but it takes time to realize it, the time people don’t have.